Which social network is best for promoting your business

Considering the 5 best ways to advertise a new business, we have presented a whole list of benefits of SMM promotion for any Internet project. Well, almost anyone. Exceptions may be, except that, highly specialized B2B projects and business instant solutions. And then, this is very controversial. For everyone else, the presence of a promoted business page on social networks is definitely a big plus to the efficiency of the enterprise. BUT provided the correct choice of site for promotion.

And there is something to choose from. Today, both online and offline projects are successfully promoted in:

Analyze the site and make a portrait of the target audience

Your platform is the one in which your target audience is actively “hanging out”. Therefore, determining the identity of the buyer, compiling his portrait is the most important step towards choosing the most useful social network. Once you understand who your customer is, why he chooses your product, brand or company, you will be able to decide on a platform for advertising and promoting your brand.

How to make a portrait of the audience:

  1. Use analytics systems, and analyze the site.
    There you can get information about gender and age, language of the user, country and city in which he lives, data about the browser, OS, devices used, user behavior, deeply analyze your target audience, identify intersections.
  2. Conduct marketing research: interview customers or the sales department. The option is suitable for those who do not yet have an active site.
  3. Learn the characteristics of your site’s users from a Google AdWords advertising account.
  4. You can get detailed information about your customers in the Facebook advertising office if you have their contact information.

The next step is to raise the statistics of social networks and compare the data of their audience with your own. 

Conduct a survey among your customers

If you are not a newcomer and already have a customer base with numbers and/or e-mail addresses – use this!
Make a mailing or call customers and ask in which social network they most often share information and communicate with their friends, family and colleagues.

Analyze the site

Site analytics systems will help not only to make a portrait of the target audience, but also to suggest which social networks it prefers.

Pay attention to the sources of conversions to your site. Even if you haven’t created business accounts yet, traffic can come from social networks.

Analyze competitors

Make a list of your direct competitors in the niche and conduct research. In it you must specify:

  1. Where they get traffic
    With the help of special services such as Similar Web. There you can see from which specific social networks they receive traffic.
  2. Understand how they attract an audience
    To do this, use services such as FeedSpy, JagaJam, or Popsters. In the latter, for example, you can find different metrics for posts, volume, and activity of the audience, as other data for all social networks in which your competitors are active.

Explore social networks

Explore social networks

At this stage, we advise you to pay attention to the following factors:

In general, research all the questions that will help decide whether this social network is suitable for the implementation of marketing strategy.


This social network provides businesses with free and paid opportunities for comprehensive promotion: advertising of goods and services, brand promotion, reputation management, building effective dialogues with the target audience, etc.

Therefore, absolutely any company can promote on Facebook. However, the greatest benefit of the social network will bring:

According to research, most of the active audience of Facebook is people with good incomes and prospects. Those who prefer good service.

Facebook is suitable for those companies that are willing to spend money and time on promotion, position themselves as experts, and their products and services – as high quality, unique, effective.


The visual content here generates excellent engagement. In addition, Instagram has many advertising increments – from built-in and Facebook targeting to automated promotion services.

Instagram is best for businesses:

First of all, artistic niches thrive on Instagram. If you sell clothes, cosmetics, accessories, handicrafts, photo services, you can use this site.


Pinterest is interesting for retailers and small businesses, as well as blogging organizations (articles can be presented in the form of pictures with texts).

The best progress:

The main feature of Pinterest – “warm”, set to buy the audience. Mostly female.

To promote on Pinterest and Instagram, you need to create quality visual content.


The vast majority of users belong to the B2B sphere. LinkedIn helps to expand the circle of partners to take place in the world market. The average age of social network users is 44 years. The audience is experienced professionals.

What you can do on social media:

LinkedIn is suitable for companies that position themselves as professionals, looking for customers among business and like-minded people in the niche.


The social network is suitable for companies that include fast interaction with their audience in the strategy of Internet marketing. The social network will not help to sell. However, a well-thought-out strategy will build the reputation of the expert.

But! It is believed that Twitter only works for big business. Startups and small businesses have nothing to do here.


This is a messenger, but with social functions in the form of channels.
Its advantages:

However, Telegram offers fewer advertising opportunities, and the risks are high: rejection of advertising “in the forehead”, high competition, etc.


The reach of the Youtube audience and the possibilities of advertising integrations do not allow to exclude video hosting from potential social platforms for business. Promotion on Youtube is suitable for those who have a creative idea and opportunities for its implementation. Do not engage in video marketing if:


Tik-Tok on the hype. Experts advise to catch the wave! Today you can integrate your business into Tik-Tok. The main thing is to find a super-creative specialist who will be able to beat the specifics of your business as spectacularly and dynamically as possible and will be able to create spectacular video creatives.

And remember that TikTok has the youngest audience. Almost 70% of users are Generation Z, people aged 16-24. It turns out that only a third of TikTok’s audience is over 25 years old.

Social networks summary

Social networks summary

An appropriate social network for business is one in which your target audience “hangs out”. It is worth starting with the compilation of a portrait.

There are several ways to get to know your customer: analyze conversions to the site, conduct marketing research, “spy” the audience of competitors.
We recommend using all methods at once, comparing your audience with social media statistics, and choosing a platform to promote based on facts alone. Intuition in this case is a bad guide.

For example, you heard that the future is for TikTok. They came up with cool content for it and even got the first hundreds of likes and subscriptions. How useful will it be for business if your audience is 35+?

The second thing to pay attention to is the purpose of marketing promotion. What do you want to do: increase brand awareness, build an expert reputation or attract customers? Study the specifics and capabilities of the social network and determine whether it is suitable for the implementation of your marketing strategy.

And third, evaluate your strengths and capabilities. What content format can you create, and where it will “come in” best?

# Which social network is the best for promoting your business?