Malyk Solutions in your city

Seattle Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

Product development for the customer's business goals, individual design, detailed prototyping before production, very experienced professionals, iterative development, top technologies: adaptive, responsive, secure, support and development.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

In the digital agency Malyk Solutions, the main areas are graphic design, website development, interface design. We are part of a large unit of design studios in USA.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

We carry out a set of measures for internal and external optimization to raise the position of the site in the results of issuance. Seo optimization ensures that your site is found by your target audience.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

In order for promotion to bring as much profit as possible, it must be comprehensive and measurable and based on increasing business performance.

5 Social Media Marketing


Social networks are a full-fledged media channel in which we solve the communication tasks of our clients. We develop an SMM strategy, a media plan, we engage bloggers to promote our clients' brand and use a variety of social networks to achieve results.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

We will understand your business problem and offer solutions. We will make a website, set up advertising, analyze the results. You will know where to go and how to develop your business. We work on models: fix price, time & material, outstaffing, retainer.

How we work?

We set short and long term goals

Before starting to develop a specific work plan, we look for a defined profile of the target audience and analyze the current market situation to ensure that our project is successful.

We create an effective advertising campaign

Thanks to the previous analysis that we have made of the market, we are able to develop a strategy that best suits the needs of your business and the demands of the market.

We take the project forward

Once we have managed to establish a solid plan, we move on to action. We put into practice everything we have developed and work hard so that our goals are achieved.

Campaign Tracking

After launching your advertising campaign, we keep track of the progress and progress of the project. We analyze the results obtained and we keep ourselves in constant renewal to always keep ourselves updated.

Web design in Seattle

Google ads

The best campaigns to appear at the top of Google searches and be able to position yourself more quickly.

Branding and remarketing

We capture those users who were once interested in your brand with the most effective strategies to achieve your goals.

Youtube ads

Get the viewers of the largest online video platform in the world to know you through the right ads.

Bing ads

It also achieves a strong presence in the Bing search engine. We have the latest techniques to make you gain visibility.

Why choose us


Our professionals have developed their work for years in various fields of digital marketing, contributing their experience at all times.


We put the largest number of available resources to work on your project. You will be counting on the most complete specialized service on the market.


We have a young and highly qualified team to tackle any project. Each member of our team is the best at what they do.


The quality of our services makes us the agency of the most exclusive clients. We are premium and our results prove it.


In our Online Advertising Agency we have the maximum resources for your ad campaigns. You will have at your fingertips some truly innovative techniques to achieve your goals.
Long-term goals have to do with how companies see themselves in 5 years or more.
The large number of resources we have, the team of highly qualified professionals and the exclusivity of our service.
In general, we recommend that your project last for a minimum of six months. Within this period, we will be able to show you real results and objectives achieved based on the programmed strategy.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.