Malyk Solutions in your city

San Francisco Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

Development and promotion of corporate websites is one of the main areas of our digital agency. We have been pleasing our clients with successful projects in the field of website design and development. During the existence of the Malyk Solutions agency, our team has developed many high-quality projects.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

We provide design tasks both in complex services and in a separate area: design layouts for landing pages; set up accounts; create branded templates for post headings; branding marketing kits for clients.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

We will conduct a detailed analysis and technical audit of the site. We will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the project. We will do internal and external search engine optimization of the site. We will form the semantic core of the site, work out key phrases. We will think over a convenient site structure. We optimize and prepare unique content.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

We take into account incoming requests instead of clicks and build an individual calculation with forecasts. You pay only for the result in the form of targeted customer requests. We choose all the settings of the advertising campaign ourselves, adjusting them to achieve KPI.

5 Social Media Marketing


Creating a company reputation as an expert in its product, which as a result increases audience loyalty and makes the site more significant for the search engine.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

Design and implementation of the network representation that is optimal for your business. Based on deep marketing analytics. We develop a strategy, create creative converters and launch effective advertising campaigns.

How we work?

Analysis of the current presence of the brand and the competition

We study the impact of the brand generated in society and the productivity achieved to date, as well as analyzing the competition to determine the communication and social media strategy in order to obtain the best results.

Definition of the strategy to follow

Our team of social media experts will draw up a strategy so that you can get the most out of your social networks with specific actions and proposals that will help you increase engagement.

Establishment of objectives and KPI

We focus on getting leads and executing branding and digital reputation actions, with measurable objectives and KPI so that you can get the most out of your social networks.

Personalized tracking

Every so often, an analysis of the evolution of the strategy will be carried out through periodic reports to determine the result of the established channels, including new suggestions.

Social media in San Francisco

Increase your community

We advise and accompany you throughout the process to increase your community and correctly manage your social networks.

Social media advertising

We create strategic campaigns according to your target and the objective you want to achieve on social networks.

Social media consulting

We provide you with a complete guide to have absolute control of your social networks, from which you can get the most out of it.

Branding and Remarketing

We enhance your brand image and get those users who were interested in it and did not convert, to do so.

Why choose us


Our professionals have developed their work for years in various fields of digital marketing, contributing their experience at all times.


We put the largest number of available resources to work on your project. You will be counting on the most complete specialized service on the market.


We have a young and highly qualified team to tackle any project. Each member of our team is the best at what they do.


The quality of our services makes us the agency of the most exclusive clients. We are premium and our results prove it.


Because social networks, today, are the main channel of communication with your customers. By investing in Social Media campaigns, you will be reaching a greater number of users and, therefore, a greater number of customers.
Our experience working in social networks and the extensive knowledge we have about this type of campaign. We will reach more users and you will get more conversions than anywhere else.
Our modern techniques and the exclusivity of our service. In our Social Media Agency you will always guarantee the best, achieving results in the shortest possible time. Our renowned team of professionals will help you achieve everything.
Our Social Media strategies and campaigns with influencers are really effective, but they require time to bear fruit. In half a year, you will have some really amazing results for your brand.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.