Malyk Solutions in your city

San Diego Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

Development of web projects of any complexity, from one-page business card sites and casual games to large corporate portals and 3d game mechanics. From strategy and idea to launch on the combat platform and support.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

Our designers will create a creative that brings profit. This will be a very profitable investment. Development and creation of individual website design, website interface design, graphic design

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

SEO Company Malyk Solutions has developed and repeatedly tested its own promotion methodology. We bring sites to the top even in niches with high competition. We provide only converting organic traffic.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

Services as part of the promotion of the company allow you to communicate with the audience, convey thoughts to it, form an integral community, achieve the goals and objectives set for the brand.

5 Social Media Marketing


Creation of creatives; development of digital & smm strategies; support and promotion of projects in smm; reputation and brand image management on the Internet; work with bloggers and opinion leaders and much more.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

We carry out the necessary preliminary research and the subsequent development of a strategy for the presence in the digital environment of the company/brand. As an independent concept, and as part of the overall marketing / business strategy of the customer.

How we work?

Strengthen your brand

If your company wants to generate a visual impact, our services will help you convey who you are, what you do and project the essence that characterizes you.

Set the layout

Once it is clear what you want to convey, our design team will be in charge of developing and executing the creation phase of the poster, banner, web or any other piece, following the client's instructions.

Visual impact results

After a while we will analyze the results of the new graphic line established. Visual impact, brand identity, notoriety and finally, sales are the goal we want to achieve.

We update our content

We always analyze the state of the current market to offer the best quality of our services. It is important to keep your business updated so that it adjusts as best as possible to the demands of consumers.

Web design in San Diego

Corporate Design

We will make the best website for your business, expressing at all times the philosophy of your company and your objectives.


We create unique and attractive designs for the packaging of your products. Make a difference with the right design.

Editorial design

If you are looking for an editorial design that stands out from your competition, leave everything in our hands and see the results.

Corporate identity

Get your business to have a distinguished position in its sector, with the recognition of users and customers.

Why choose us


Our professionals have developed their work for years in various fields of digital marketing, contributing their experience at all times.


We put the largest number of available resources to work on your project. You will be counting on the most complete specialized service on the market.


We have a young and highly qualified team to tackle any project. Each member of our team is the best at what they do.


The quality of our services makes us the agency of the most exclusive clients. We are premium and our results prove it.


Because an attractive, striking design with an original initiative can make a difference with respect to your competition. It is a great hook to attract new customers and retain the ones you already have.
We are a Graphic Design Agency for exclusive clients who only want the best finish in their final designs. By leaving your graphic design in our hands you will be guaranteeing absolute quality.
We put the latest resources in all our campaigns, including graphic design. We have a team of experienced professionals who have traveled the world of marketing and bring their experiences to our work.
Because by investing in Corporate Design you are imbuing your business with character. You will be marking a distinction with respect to your competition and managing to attract a greater number of clients. That is why it is so profitable.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.