digital marketing company

We offer effective marketing and admin solutions

At Malyk Solutions, we value the solutions that help you achieve the marketing goals of your business and keep operations going smoothly. Having the proper techniques and strategies to make your brand generate visits and income, we also create trust and a reputation for your organization. Web Development, Web Design, SEO, and Social Media go hand in hand with our marketing strategies to achieve the best results. We have already tried everything that we will apply in your company with ourselves. And we can assure you that it works perfectly.

digital firm

Generation of digital services

Our agency is positioned as a trustful reference for building and developing your brand and ensuring the success of internal processes. We investigate every day the most avant-garde techniques to make your business or website stand out from your competition. We have a great number of resources for the organic positioning of your brand, as well as the best notions about marketing campaigns and social media management. Our team becomes your partner, where your goal is our goal.

Outsourcing Services

We are constantly learning and growing to provide you with the best solutions.

Why Malyk Solutions ?

We identify your audience

Don't know your target audience? At Malyk Solutions we develop the profile of your buyer persona and develop actions to give them what they are looking for. We put ourselves in their shoes so that your business offers them just what they need.

Attract, qualify and convert

We use professional online marketing strategies to attract visitors to your website and, most importantly: convert them into customers. We design the strategy that best suits your target audience and your business. Its effectiveness will be produced in the results.

Administrative Assistance

The main and probably the most valuable difference between us and similar companies is administrative support. Our marketing and administrative teams work together to ensure the best outcome of the project. By engaging Malyk Solutions, you can receive 3-1: brand development, digital marketing services, and administrative assistance on all stages of your business operations. We offer complete digital business solutions as well as admin services.

Professional customer service

More than an outsourcing agency, we are part of your team. Throughout our cooperation, you will receive expert advice and guidance with professional treatment so that you can ensure for yourself that your project is in good hands.

Your project is our project

At Malyk Solutions, we will treat your project as our own. Why? Because your success is our success. We put at your disposal our team of professionals whose sole purpose will be to achieve the goals you have set for your business.

Customized Strategy

We design a customized marketing plan adapted to the needs of your business. We thoroughly analyze your market, set the objectives, reinforce the pain points and define the strategy that will offer you the profitability you are looking for.

What Our Clients Say

Whatever your qualification is - we got you!

More To Learn From

Take a read to pick up some great points related to your industry and business needs.


If you have more questions about our services, take a look at our frequently asked questions section or contact us.

The digital agency serves as an intermediary and aims to solve the demands of customers who seek it as a way to generate better results through the web. The focus of digital agencies can vary, because there are different fields of action.
A digital marketing agency with a web design department will not only focus on the aesthetic aspect of your website, but will also take into account more factors. By having comprehensive knowledge of all sectors of digital marketing, an agency goes beyond web design. It will improve your page by implementing SEO positioning strategies to attract traffic; will worry about the UX (User Experience) design, offering an accessible, clear, functional and easy-to-use interface; and will take CRO techniques seriously to increase conversions on your website, boosting sales and/or leads. Betting on a web design and development agency is your best option for a successful website or online store.
At Malyk Solutions we will make you a proposal so that you can anticipate the design of your website before carrying it out, and thus, be able to tell us if you like it or if you want to implement some changes. You will have a mock up, where you can get an idea of ​​the final result. We create websites tailored to suit the client, at the same time that we do not neglect the latest trends in web design and development to achieve maximum performance on your page.
Of course you can improve it. If you have a website, but you are not satisfied because it does not attract enough sales or traffic, or you think the design is outdated, at Malyk Solutions we help you improve your website thanks to a new design and optimal web development. We have experts in web design and development and professionals from other digital marketing disciplines, who work together to achieve the best results. Well, the goal is not just a pretty website, but a page that generates sales. In Malyk Solutions we have the key.
Yes. We actively participate preparing texts and choosing content for your website. Our team proposes the best content ideas and images to create each of the pages.
Of course, we develop web page design as well as web development and programming in more than 15 different languages. Each language has its particularities, tastes as well as sensitivities vary greatly from one culture to another. Depending on the language and the country, we create differentiated design projects.

Keywords are the main instrument of an investigation. They are terms composed of one or more words. They are the way in which a user writes their doubts in the search engines in order to obtain answers and solve their problems.

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