Malyk Solutions in your city

Miami Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

Our many years of experience, work with the most complex and non-standard projects allows us to create a website that is the most delicious candy in a bright wrapper, which the client cannot refuse.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

Graphic design company Malyk Solutions we will prepare banners of any format: flash, html5, gif, video banners, any non-standard and interactive, high-tech materials - everything you need for placement.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

We provide the most transparent relationship. We believe that seo-promotion is a fundamental tool for the development of Internet projects. We evaluate each project in terms of labor costs, provide a complete list of necessary work. With us, the result and dynamics are visible in the second month of work.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

Designate, agree and achieve commercial goals using the main traffic management tools. Only modern technology. we are following closely following the latest global trends in our field and implement them in our work.

5 Social Media Marketing


Professional consulting and maintenance of accounts and communities on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Before placing content, a deep analysis of the market and competitors is carried out. Our task is to make your company number 1 in social networks.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

We will train your employees in web analytics. We will teach you how to work with new tools of Internet marketing. We will evaluate the skills of your digital team: from a manager to a programmer. Let's improve their efficiency. Let's assemble a digital team from scratch.

How we work?

We plan your ideas

We study your needs and your company philosophy to achieve the appearance that your website deserves. Our web design in Miami seeks freshness and user attraction through usable and eye-catching pages.

Effective web structure

All good web design follows a clear strategy when it comes to showing the results to users. We elaborate this structure based on your brand to transmit everything you really want.

Unique and personalized designs

With the complete study of your brand that we carry out in our Web Design Agency in Miami, we manage to make designs that speak for themselves, with unique aspects that they know how to transmit and reach a greater number of users.

Constant innovation

Our work does not end with the best design for your website. We continue studying and looking for formulas to improve it and ensure that your page is always at the forefront of the digital world.

Web design in Miami

Corporate website design

We carry out the best designs for your company pages. Stand out with our Web Design in Miami.

Online Store Design

Make your products stand out with a striking design that connects with the user when making their purchase comfortable.

Website redesign

We do a complete facelift to your page, in order to attract new users adapting to the times.

Blog design

We will make your blog unique and personal. We will get you to become a benchmark that begins to stand out for its design.

Why choose us


We have a team whose background has been perfected in different areas of marketing over more than a decade.


We do not skimp on offering you the best. And that is why we have become the most exclusive Web Design Agency in Miami.


Our professionals are experts in their sector. We are talking about a young and highly trained team in digital marketing.


Working every day to obtain the best results has meant that our service is defined by the quality obtained at all times.


Because it is the main door to your business. Through a correct web design you will make users more interested in your brand and what you offer them. If they dislike you from the first moment, it will be very difficult for you to grow in the digital world.
First of all, we are interested in knowing your brand and that results in a totally personalized website. Then, we apply all the resources currently available to make your website stand out from your competition. And, finally, our perseverance makes us be aware of improvements for your website at all times.
We are the most exclusive web design agency in Miami. And it is that we use the innovative MRI system, created by us, so that you get the maximum return on investment with each strategy that we carry out.
Because a correct design will depend on whether your business rises to the top or gets stuck along the way. Taking care of the design is taking care of your cover letter.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.