Marketing influencer in your digital strategy

Influencer marketing began to develop with the rise of social networks and the appearance of influencers. Find out what it is and how you can incorporate it into your digital strategy to achieve better results. 

Influence marketing began to develop with the rise of social networks and the appearance of new players in the digital world: influencers. These are people who have managed, thanks to the networks, to create a community around their profiles, usually thousands and sometimes even millions of people. It didn’t take long for brands to realize the incredible communication potential of these profiles, and influencer marketing was born. What at first were timid collaborations and attempts by brands, today has become one of the most effective marketing channels for companies. So much so that the influence industry will be worth $15 million by the year 2022, according to industry forecasts.

What is an influence campaign?

An influence campaign is a collaboration with influencers that a company carries out with the intention of achieving specific objectives. In exchange for their work, the company offers a consideration to the influencer. Depending on the type of influencer in question, we will talk about compensation in the form of a product or financial compensation.

Currently, there are four types of influencers with whom it is possible to carry out influence campaigns:

The most effective way to incorporate influencer marketing into your digital strategy is through a campaign with micro-influencers. The strength of micro-influencers lies in their numbers, since it is possible to collaborate with many micro-influencers for a small cost. Micro-influencers collaborate with brands that share their values ​​or for which they feel a special affinity. The way to compensate them for a collaboration is by sending a branded product with a personalized message, which makes them much more affordable and attractive than macro profiles.

How do I incorporate an influencer campaign into my digital marketing strategy?

The first step in launching an influencer marketing campaign is to be clear about what your objective is. Do you want to increase your sales? Gain in notoriety? Promote a product launch? Defining a clear objective is the most important step, since the choice of influencers and the brief that you are going to send them with the details of the campaign depend on it.

Let’s say, for example, that you are going to launch a new productFor the launch you will carry out different marketing actions such as an advertisement on television, advertisements and clippings in the press… To incorporate an influence campaign into your product promotion strategy, you must follow the following steps:

A few words of caution

Influence campaigns are still a relative novelty for most companies and sectors. Sometimes it can be not very intuitive and there are errors that it is better not to fall into if we want to get the most out of our campaigns.

Now you have the information you need to launch your own influencer marketing campaigns. As with everything, the best way to learn is by doing, but we hope this article has helped you get off on the right foot.

# Marketing influencer in your digital strategy