Malyk Solutions in your city

Los Angeles Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

We create convenient, selling and informative websites with author's design for any business. Creating a website is the right way to the success of your business.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

We approach each of our projects from two sides: rational and creative. Thanks to the second, each of our developments is unique and as creative as possible. Template options for executing tasks are not about us.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

Seo company Malyk Solutions measures the result by the indicator that is most important for your business. Want to be in the top 10? Choose promotion on demand. Do you need a steady growth in the flow of visitors? For you - traffic promotion.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

Our clients pay money not for faceless transitions to the site, but for attracting real customers to their business. You get access to advertising accounts, you always know in which areas the budget is spent and which ads and sites give the greatest return.

5 Social Media Marketing


Getting started, we carefully study the client's business, delve into the industry, and study competitors in detail. In our activities, we guarantee transparency of work and results, constant analysis of the promotion campaign, market monitoring and regular reports.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

Our specialization: complex digital strategies on the Internet, aimed at solving the client's business problems. We work for quality and in each advertising campaign we determine which digital indicators mean the result.

How we work?

We plan your ideas

We prepare a point-by-point plan to design your website according to the peculiarities of your business and the message of your brand. Our web design team in Los Angeles will work from a series of ideas that, step by step, will shape the ideal image for your website.

Effective web structure

We design the structure of your website in such a way that the information is properly distributed, so that users arrive and do not leave. We have the best specialists in website design to carry out an effective architecture.

Unique and personalized designs

Branding is an essential part of marketing and advertising, which is why we value your brand image and the philosophy of your company to design web pages that respond to your expectations and your brand's message to users.

Constant innovation

We want to ensure the best results from our cooperation, which is why our web design service evaluates the users' reaction in order to continue working and improving the website as soon as it is online.

Web design in Los Angeles

Corporate website design

Thanks to our web design services in Los Angeles you will be able to increase the traffic of your page.

Online Store Design

To get more sales, your virtual store must have a usable, attractive and effective design.

Website redesign

Would you like to progress with your store thanks to a professional web design? We take care of it.

Blog design

We add a blog to your web design to multiply and improve the segmentation of your web traffic.

Why choose us


We have worked for a long time in all areas of digital marketing and web design in Los Angeles.


We offer the most complete service to create the perfect design for your website.


A specialized and competent team from training and daily experience.


The imprint of our brand is to always do impeccable work.


The first impression is essential, and today, the largest number of potential clients will know you from your corporate website. Hence, you cannot miss a web design in Los Angeles that causes a positive impact on those who visit you for the first time.
Our web design agency in Los Angeles is in a constant process of updating to bring you the latest in design techniques that allow us to create adaptable pages that follow SEO criteria and that provide the best experience to users who visit the page.
At Malyk Solutions we incorporate high-performance tools and techniques at all times, previously tested in our projects to ensure that, as soon as they are tested in your web design in Los Angeles, they will meet your requirements.
A good web design service in Los Angeles will make your website have good navigation, make it fast and attractive for the user, while helping SEO so that each of the users can find you easily.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.