Instagram and Pinterest are two of the most important social networks of the moment. Although they are a few years old, they are in full swing. So I think it’s a great time to tell you why you should use Instagram and Pinterest for your business if you don’t already.

Instagram and Pinterest are important to success of your company

Do you want to venture out by opening a profile for your company on one of these networks and don’t know whether to use Instagram or Pinterest? Do you already have a profile on one of them (or both) and you don’t know if you’re doing it right or if you should be on this network? If you keep reading, I promise to answer all these questions. Here we go!

Why use Instagram and Pinterest?

Currently, having a company profile on the social networks of the moment is the key to providing your business with a showcase on the network . If you are one of those who thinks that social media is not going with your company, speed up, because you have fallen far behind. Today I want to focus especially on answering your question about why you should use Instagram and/or Pinterest for your business (two networks that I love, by the way ). But, do not lose sight of the rest of social networks. To do this, I leave you here a post that can help you improve your company profile on the networks.

Instagram and Pinterest are the two VISUAL social networks of the moment . You can (and should) use them as a great showcase to offer and promote your company’s products and services. Works!

Using Instagram and/or Pinterest, the numbers and experts say so

 FACT: 30% of Internet users are Instagram users and 15% of Pinterest. However, there are still few brands present in these networks.

 GROWTH: Instagram and Pinterest were the networks that grew the most last year, while Facebook and Twitter stagnated.

 TIP: Take the opportunity to use Instagram and Pinterest and boost your brand on these social networks. I assure you that you will not leave your target audience indifferent.

 IF AN EXPERT SAYS SO: For D. Devái, director of digital analytics at Epsilon Technologies, the main advantage that Instagram and Pinterest start with is that “they are oriented towards the lifestyle and trends and inspirations of users, which It allows mobilizing large volumes of like-minded users.”

You know, the time has come to use Instagram and Pinterest for your business. There is no doubt, they are the networks of the moment.

Reasons to use Instagram and Pinterest for your business.

1. Number of users

Instagram already has 600 million active users (and growing) and Pinterest with more than 150 million . Seriously, do you still think that your target audience is not on these networks?

2. SEO I love you SEO

Do you know that there is SEO in social networks ? As you hear it, social profiles will help the organic positioning of your company. Isn’t this a great reason to venture into the great world of Instagram and Pinterest?

3. Arouse the interest of your public

An essential part of the success of any marketing strategy is being able to reach the feelings and emotions  of our public to invoke action. Well, nothing better than Instagram and Pinterest to arouse that interest through the images you post. This, together with the optimistic and close tone in which the activity of these networks is carried out, represents a great window of opportunity.

4. And who are you?

These networks help to humanize your brand , something highly demanded today by network users. If you want to show your public the most human side of your company, here is the best way to do it.

5. A picture is worth a thousand words

If you choose to use Instagram , you will see that it is a fantastic network to promote your company’s products and services. And it is that the images (or videos) work great on this social network to carry out promotions or launch news. There are many companies that already have a strategy of this type on Instagram. What are you waiting for?

6. For e-commerce

If in the previous case I was referring to using Instagram, this time I am referring to Pinterest . And it is that if you have an e-commerce, do not think twice, Pinterest is your network . In the US, the ‘buy’ button has already been incorporated into this network and surely it will not take long to arrive in Spain. Do you want to sell more? So what are you doing that you’re not on Pinterest?

7. Do you need more reasons?

I don’t think I haven’t convinced you yet, but if so, there are still more reasons to use these social networks with your company. Find them all in our post section on Instagram or Pinterest . You will finish convincing yourself.

# Instagram and Pinterest are important to success of your company