Malyk Solutions in your city

Indianapolis Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

We constantly monitor the quality of the code, offering solutions based on ruby ​​on rails, wordpress, bootstrap and other popular technologies. We are ready to develop a professional website for you at a favorable price in the optimal time frame. We implement both standard projects and personal solutions with unique functionality and design.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

The perfect solution for a comprehensive advertising campaign. A creative advertising concept is an original advertising idea that is designed to draw attention to a product / service, highlighting and emphasizing its competitive advantages and uniqueness.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

Maximum attention to the project. Each agency specialist works with a limited number of sites, which allows you to most effectively promote client sites in search results. Thanks to the direct connection of the responsible person with the customer, all customer requests are promptly implemented.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

Digital market agency Malyk Solutions will set up tracking of all advertising channels. Crm systems, calltracking, multi-channel analytics. Optimization of advertising channels in order to achieve the established KPI.

5 Social Media Marketing


We will select the most effective channel for disseminating information in social networks, forums, blogs and communities. SMM (social media marketing) is not a traditional, but very effective way to promote websites, a promising way to attract potential customers.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

We strive to use all possible channels that are necessary to promote a particular project. A competent combination and balance of various tools can give the maximum result.

How we work?

We plan your ideas

All our work is based entirely on your ideas, on the image you want to project from your brand, so that what we do conveys what you want. You just have to tell us what you need and we will make a list of these ideas to create an effective design strategy.

Effective web structure

The importance of website architecture should never be ignored. We make sure to create a fast, adaptable and attractive portal so that your customers get the best impression about your brand.

Unique and personalized designs

We put one hundred percent of our resources at the service of your project, making sure to adapt to what you expect in the most efficient way possible. Hence, our web design service in Indianapolis is capable of designing an incredible and unique page.

Constant innovation

Permanent updating is one of the essential factors for a good design, which is why we will be close to you, assessing the performance of the website that we have put online and optimizing it as updates are released in the digital field.

Web design in Indianapolis

Corporate website design

So that the whole world knows your brand, we create the best web design for your corporate portal.

Online Store Design

Our web design agency in Indianapolis will make an online sales platform that will multiply your sales unlimitedly.

Website redesign

We can rethink the entire design of your website based on work already done and with which you are not entirely satisfied.

Blog design

Our team of experts in web page design will be the best resource you will have to grow with your company thanks to the internet.

Why choose us


With years of work in the sector, we are the most qualified team so that you get what you expect from your web design in Indianapolis.


We take care of being an indispensable tool for your company through the best resources for your projects.


Our team of professionals will make your experience totally positive.


When what you want is to get an exceptional quality service, USA is what you need.


It is never a good idea to try to save money by doing your own web design in Indianapolis, since it can not only be a waste of time and work, but it can also have very negative results, so it is always better to invest in a professional service.
When thinking about our web design service in Indianapolis, we have always thought of being the best in quality. It is our experience in the field that has led us to create our own strategies to achieve unique designs for our clients' projects.
Our goal is not to offer the most adjusted economic cost, but rather to ensure an endless catalog of resources and a work team that is one hundred percent focused on your web design project in Indianapolis, which makes us an exclusive agency.
Without a website, you will miss out on countless potential users, or worse yet, if your website is poorly developed, it will result in a negative image. Therefore, if you want a good page, you must hire our web design agency in Indianapolis.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.