In this blog we have talked a lot about Google AdWords. We love Google’s advertising tool and, above all, we find it tremendously effective. Today I wanted to go even deeper into this tool by analyzing what the leading experts say about it.

Google AdWords - 5 Great Tips

Sridhar Ramaswamy, Joan Arensman, Philipp Schindler, Debbie Weinstein… they probably don’t ring a bell, but they are some of the top Google AdWords experts on the planet . It’s not for nothing that they hold some of the highest positions in the company! And since there is nothing better to know something well than to analyze what the experts say about it, I have studied in depth what these gentlemen (and some others) say and I bring it to you in a nutshell. Let’s start!

AdWords is Google’s online advertising tool . And this tool is as important to advertisers as it is to Google itself. That is why the search engine works hard to give advice, create tutorials, courses… It is very interested in ensuring that whoever uses it uses it well, and does everything it can to help you.

In case you didn’t know, Google has created a specific AdWords blog  ( where the biggest names in the company write about the tool and give tips on its use. I have compiled the most interesting tips from some of them and I bring them to you summarized in the 5 that seemed most important to me:

1. Adapt your campaigns and your page to mobile devices .

Every single person you talk to at Google will tell you the same thing: Be mobile friendly. More and more users browse through their smartphones. Not having your website adapted can mean losing half of your target audience, are you sure you want that?

In AdWords they recommend that you have all the landing pages of your campaigns 100% adapted and that you have specific ads, extensions, etc. for these devices. He thinks that users do not act the same from them as from a desktop.

If you want to know how optimized your site is for mobile phones, put the URL of your website in this Google tool (

2. Take care of the speed of the page.

It is essential and directly affects the quality score of your campaigns. This means (roughly speaking) that if you have a very slow website, Google will make you pay more than other advertisers with good speed for the same keyword. Some time ago Google released a new technology called AMP  that focuses on reducing the loading speed of websites as much as possible. Only with that we can already sense the importance that Google gives to this aspect!

You can check the speed of your page in this tool from Google itself: PageSpeed ​​Insights ( It will even give you some advice on how to optimize it, although it is best to ask a specialized webmaster for help.

3. Use remarketing  in your campaigns.

AdWords allows you to “save” lists of users who have visited your website through your campaigns. All the experts say it, a user who has already been to your website and returns to it is much more likely to convert than a user who comes to your site for the first time.

Once your lists acquire a certain volume of users, Google AdWords allows you to create specific campaigns for them. You can make special offers, show them products that you know they have previously visited… Great, isn’t it? However, not all advertisers are taking advantage of this option and Google experts recommend that everyone start using it as soon as possible.

4. Avoid spam.

Experts say it in Google AdWords, in SEO  and in all Google products. The search engine is very serious about spam and spends a lot of effort to eradicate it.

In AdWords there can be two types of spam (both equally penalized), the most obvious: promotion of prohibited products (weapons, drugs…), links with viruses, sites with pornography…; and another that is not so bad, but is just as harmful: unrealistic promises, ad texts that say something that has nothing to do with what they really sell…

As I said, Google gets very angry at this type of practice and all the experts recommend avoiding it. Imagine that you have a real estate agency  and you want to advertise your flats on AdWords. You hire an agency to carry out your campaigns and it tells you that the best way is to put in your ads that the flats are free, that when the user arrives at the page they will see the real price. Flees! Google catches this kind of thing very easily and escaping a search engine penalty may not be easy at all.

5. If you have an online store, use Google Shopping

There are many online stores but, for whatever reason, not all decide to use the Google shopping platform. More than a shopping platform, it is a comparator where you can put everything (I insist, EVERYTHING) your product catalog. It’s a new showcase for your store where a user who doesn’t know you at all can get to your product doing a Google search. Who wouldn’t want to be there?

Here all the experts say it loud and clear: if you have an ecommerce you are taking time to launch yourself into Google Shopping.

Google AdWords has become one of the key tools in any online strategy.

It is not for nothing that it is one of the ones that convert the most and achieve the most goals. If you are considering a SEM campaign for your business, I recommend that you take a look at it and never lose sight of the experts’ criteria, they are what will be able to help you the most!

And remember, although in this post I have collected the opinions of the Google workers themselves, there are many agencies that belong to Google Partners and that will advise you and run your campaigns as well as the search engine itself.   Never let someone else run your campaigns Other than being certified by Google itself, AdWords is not an easy tool to use, and if done wrong, it can lead to a lot of problems.

# Google AdWords – 5 Great Tips