Example advertising campaign how to sell more products

There is a way and way to be irreverent, unconventional and make yourself talked about in the world of advertising or publicity that you want. The resulting communication is not always effective if it is placed under the gaze of those who observe it, outdated, strong and contrasting messages. This is the case of the Citizengo campaign, which appeared on all the walls of the capital a few days ago. The text that says “abortion is the first cause of femicide” has triggered the anger of groups, associations, the political world and ordinary citizens not only of the capital, but of all of Italy.

It must be said that unconventional advertising and marketing in general have become a real art over the years, often capable of making you think, as well as pushing the consumer to buy the product. The focus is on the message that becomes a pure concept.

We have selected for you 10 examples of successful advertising campaigns, some truly irreverent, others brilliant and pleasant, and others that make you think.

The funeral agency is always in the room and Kirweb’s advertising agency, which follows it, manages to bring an ironic key, but not offensive, the concept of death, with ironic and sometimes cynical slogans built ad hoc to hit and why not , no, snatches a smile, often using current affairs.

It doesn’t happen that often that a brand manages to fully exploit the potential offered by social networks with such an effective communication strategy. Tactical games, unconventional campaigns, the use of real-time marketing techniques (also called “reactivation”) and viral marketing are just some of the elements that characterize Ceres communication.

What is an example advertising campaign?

What is an example advertising campaign

Ad campaigns are a group of similar ads built around a single idea and focused on a single message. Or from an intuitive perspective; set of ads with a unified tone. Simple as that!

Everyone has a unique identity of their being. For example, some people are nice and humorous; Some prefer the anxious and angry perspective; others flow with the tide.

But the point is that we can all change personalities at any given moment, depending on the moment.

However, our ability to take on multiple personalities, depending on mode or personal preference, does not replace the fact that we all possess a unique identity.

Advertising campaigns help brands create a lasting impression of their true identities.

Because unlike humans, brands cannot take on multiple personalities at will, their uniqueness lies in the intellectual and philosophical worldview of their vision and prominent mission statement.

Anyway, from a more specific point of view, advertising campaigns are important because;

There is no rocket science in advertising campaigns. If you can measure the value of your ads and make sure they resonate with the right people, your ads will skyrocket beyond the estimated limits.

How is an advertising campaign?

Advertising, you know, is the soul of commerce. Nothing can be sold without a proper advertising campaign, and there are no products that “sell”.
Any good or service available on the market, from the most useless to the necessary for survival, must make its existence known to potential consumers, and to do so it must send a certain type of message, encoded in a certain scheme, which is Forwarded with a protocol no doubt on certain transmission channels that the contemporary population is capable of receiving.
This whole complex procedure is called an ‘advertising campaign’, and the name ‘campaign’ is not chosen at random: it is a real (economic) war, capable of moving the well and people’s quality of life, allowing most competitive to survive and the least gifted to be pushed out of the free market.

Promotion, also generally called advertising, is one of the four historical levers of the market (marketing), and it is an activity as old as human commerce: knowing it and using it with the method is not only imperative for business survival, but it is It is also useful for the consumer to choose with the method and excellently filter the messages that arrive from the great flow of information present every day in everyone’s life. Therefore, this page will explain to you what an advertising campaign is: why it was born, who created it, how it is developed and what is needed to make it successful.
Enjoy the reading!

We need an advertising campaign every time you have to advertise, that is, make known to the possible mass of consumers, a generic product. This product can be of any type and, consequently, it can be an asset or a service. Without an effective and adequate advertising campaign, it is impossible to sell any product: this is a fundamental axiom of the market economy, and has been valid since Homo Sapiens began to weave commercial relations between their fellows.
The advertising campaign transmits certain information (message) to a specific catchment area (called target), through certain channels (the media) and with certain codified languages ​​(texts, words, music, images) that people can understand
Just like a war conflict, the advertising campaign has goals that must be tragic to be considered a “success.”

The objectives of an advertising campaign must be achieved within a defined period of time: every advertising campaign, like a war, has a beginning and an end; It can be more or less long and more or less articulated, but it begins and ends.
Establishing how long an advertising campaign should last (ESTETO) is a fundamental step in the entire advertising process, since it greatly changes the total resources and costs required for the company.
Contrary to what is commonly thought, advertising is a need of those who propose the message and those who receive it: there are fundamental needs for human society that they must necessarily satisfy (primary needs), while there are other types of needs that they manifest themselves only after an adequate stimulus (complementary needs). Whatever the need, the ad campaign was created to provide the necessary information for users to fill out. Contact me now for your promotion!

Canonically, the advertising message defines itself as modulation, that is, capable of influencing a certain objective to move preferences towards a certain product.
However, over the years, this statement has proven not entirely correct: human society, historically very fluid and complex, is constantly changing.
Of reference, also the promotion, which works to share information, in turn is modulated from the objective. Thus, the tastes, customs and customs of the populations can be addressed through advertising, but in turn the same will change, which will therefore have to adapt (quickly) to change.
Therefore, a double nature of the promotion and its message is considered: modulate when it is in the transmission phase (from the client to the target) and it is modulated when there is a response from the company (from the target to the client) . Therefore, always paying the utmost attention to corporate changes is one of the pillars of good advertising communication. Contact me now for your promotion!

What types of advertising campaign?

There are various types of marketing campaigns, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of advertising campaigns are:

Traditional media campaigns are often used to create awareness of a new product or service. They can also be used to change the name of an existing product or service.

The main advantage of traditional media campaigns is that they reach a large audience. The downside is that they can be expensive and difficult to measure.

A seasonal push campaign is a marketing campaign that is timed to coincide with a major holiday or other event.

Seasonal push campaigns are often used to boost sales during the holiday shopping season. They can also be used to promote seasonal products or services, such as swimwear in the summer.

A product launch campaign is a marketing campaign used to introduce a new product or service. They are usually executed by the manufacturer with the help of distribution partners.

Product launch campaigns are often used to build buzz and excitement for a new product or service. They can also be used to increase sales of a new product or service.

For example, if you’re launching a new product line, you can create a product launch campaign. This campaign would include things like teaser ads, social media posts, and in-store displays.

A brand awareness campaign is a marketing campaign used to increase the visibility of a brand. They are often used by companies launching a new brand or rebranding an existing one.

How to make an advertising campaign of an example product?

How to make an advertising campaign of an example product

What is an advertising campaign? How to make an advertising campaign? How to present an advertising campaign?

As we well know, there are different types of advertising campaign. Example of advertising campaign? There are how many you want. Some types of ad campaign have failed, others have gone amazingly well.

A successful company certainly has a series of well organized and planned advertising campaigns behind them. But, above all, the marketing campaigns are timed! You must plan the launch of marketing campaigns during the year (hand). And because? Because when launching campaigns, you have the opportunity to receive multiple clients at once. Never meet one client at a time. With online, it’s even easier to launch successful campaigns with the goal of catching customers one at a time.

The first thing you need to think about is the number of customers you need to be happy and satisfied with the launch of your advertising campaign.

I will explain it better with an example. Suppose you are an accountant.

How many clients can you satisfy? Write a precise number! Done?

“Hey, but I sell online courses. The more clients I have, the better it will be! ” NO! To work well, to really throw whatever skills you have, to make sure your machine works and your customers are really satisfied you have to have a limited number of customers. Don’t try to find new customers if you can’t serve them. Work well with the ones you have and recover the lost ones over time. Then go find new clients.

What is an advertising campaign about a product?

What is an advertising campaign about a product

For the advertising campaign, it is understood a coordinated series of promotional messages that, transmitted through one or more media, aim to achieve a set goal.

An advertising campaign achieves better results than a set of incredulous ads, since all the messages communicate the same idea, are well coordinated with each other and point to the same goal. Since the messages founded on the same basic idea, the memory of the target group is facilitated. The various press releases must be coordinated with each other, that is, to present elements of similarity and continuity. (Wikipedia)

There are several levels on which an advertising campaign can be based.

The use of a testimonial, or recurring visual element, is a popular technique for promoting a coordinated message.

If the same message is spread across different media, tying them together with a common auditory element will make them easily recognizable and linked together. (for example, television and radio spots).

This method is also certainly effective and promotes the union of broadcast messages through different media.

Defining the communication style of an advertising campaign is essential to understand what language and what type of communication to adopt for the promotion.

There are several means available in our territory that allow you to convey the advertising message. Radio, TV, inbound marketing, billboard, mass transit wrap are just some of the possibilities we have to reach your goal.

# Example advertising campaign: how to sell more products