SEO promotion is the basic way to increase website traffic and attract a targeted audience – potential customers. It is relevant for any site and one of the key conditions for the survival of a business on the Internet.

A key indicator of traffic promotion is the growth of visitors from search engines. Your site does not need statistical views but potential customers and buyers.

SEO should become a part of your online marketing strategy as it increases your visibility and helps people to find you online. Having it in place and properly executed leads to more organic search traffic and more opportunities and sales.

WHY do our Clients need a SEO

website developer near me, local seo company.

SEO Outsourcing


To order products or services online, you need to make sure people can see what your offer.



Trust is an important component in making a purchase. People want to make sure the resource is trustworthy and credible.

traffic increase

Traffic Increase

Organic traffic is what makes the website successful and leads to more opportunities.

marketing support

Marketing Support

To keep your seat and stay on top, you need to work on your website consistently and support it with marketing tactics.

target audience

Target Audience

A properly developed and optimized website will be found by your target audience through Google searches.

local search rank

Local Search Rank

A website helps people around you see your services/products first when searching online. By SEO, you can improve your local ranking.

Technical Site Audit

It’s important to ensure that various technical parts of your website are up to date and following the best practices for SEO.

Content Analysis and Strategy

Content Analysis and Strategy are critical for SEO. It’s important to evaluate and create the right content for your target audience to receive organic traffic from your website.

Competitor Analysis

This process is to research your industry competitors, evaluate gathered information, and plan an SEO strategy to boost your website.

Website Optimization

It’s complex work that our team does to improve your website performance, create better visibility, drive more traffic and increase conversions.

Website Support

Ongoing Website support is important to ensure the information you present is up to date; the website is performing to its best capacity, and you are getting new visitors and opportunities.

Content Optimization

Our team puts a great emphasis on content. It should be written in the best possible way to engage your target audience.

Social Media Integration

We offer social media integration as part of SEO services. By integrating your social networks and redirecting your social media followers to your website, we make your social platforms more accessible to your customers.


Reporting keeps us on track and shows if we are moving in the right direction. We analyze our results and share them with our clients to ensure we take the right steps.

What does the process look like?

At Malyk Solutions, we believe that all the greatest things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word. Please check how unique and clear the process will look for you. As for the work - leave it to our team of professionals.

Our SEO Journey

Search Engine Optimization FAQ

These are the most frequently asked questions about the seo services.

Powerful SEO
SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which means "search engine optimization". It consists of a series of optimization techniques, disciplines and strategies that are implemented on the pages of a website or blog to improve its search engine rankings.
SEO marketing is a series of optimization techniques and strategies that are implemented on the pages of a website in order to improve organic search engine positioning and achieve more organic traffic to the website.
  1. Use keywords strategically.
  2. Write attractive titles. Be specific. Use only one keyword per title.
  3. Mobile SEO is key. Responsive design. Compress the images.
  4. Post quality content.
  1. Create good quality content.
  2. Introduce keywords naturally and meaningfully.
  3. Do not overoptimize to avoid being penalized by Google.
  4. Use synonyms of the keywords to position with secondary keywords.
  5. Use visible tags for search results.
  6. Optimize URLs including the main keyword.
  7. Rename images with keywords.
  8. Add a description in the “Alt text” field of the images.
  9. Link to other pages of your website related to the topic.
  10. Web code is well optimized.
What does link building mean? Link building is one of the terms used in SEO to describe the process of increasing the number of good links coming from other websites to yours.
Without a doubt, SEO positioning is one of the most important digital marketing strategies since it allows you to increase visibility and increase the number of visits that come from search engines (organic traffic). Ultimately, SEO means more opportunities to convert leads into customers.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.