LinkedIn is one of the most powerful business platforms to generate leads, drive website traffic, and build brand awareness. It is a great place for networking and growing your business.

Marketing on LinkedIn helps you engage a community of professionals and your target audience to drive the next steps and actions that are relevant and valuable to your business. The process starts from making connections and establishing partnerships to generating opportunities and boosting brand awareness. And there is much more you can do with LinkedIn to make it a great addition to your digital marketing strategy.

Why do our Clients need LinkedIn Marketing:

website developer near me, local seo company.

LinkedIn Marketing Outsourcing
clear objectives & goals

Brand Recognition

Every business tends to be recognized among others. It's highly important to focus on brand recognition and awareness.

identify the target audience

Grow Network

Growing an ideal network and connecting with the right audience is a part of the whole business' success. Our clients rely on our years of expertise and LinkedIn as the most powerful business network space.

brand awareness

Share Expertise

As a business leader, you clearly understand the importance of sharing your expertise. By doing it right, you not only build your reputation as an expert in a certain area, but also a target audience.


Identify Quality Opportunities

Quality is the most important factor when building your sales pipeline. Identifying quality opportunities gives you a high % of increasing revenue.

revenue growth

Drive Traffic to the Website

Website is where you share the most valuable information about your company. Getting more traffic to the website means getting more customers familiar with your business mission.


Revenue Growth

Revenue growth indicates we do our job right and we serve our clients properly. It keeps the company and team motivated to grow and improve to become better and bring more value and quality.

Profiles Audit

Before starting any LinkedIn campaign it’s critical to have your profiles built correctly. Our team will create or audit the existing profiles to reinforce your expertise and what you do.

Customer-focused LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Not every LinkedIn strategy will work for all types of business. It requires understanding of the clients business and needs before planning and launching the campaign.

Building Target Audience Searches

Reaching out to thousands of people die not only brings great results. The secret is to communicate with the correct people.

Customized Brand Messaging

Messaging is one of the most important components of LI marketing. It should be customised and unique to stand out among others.

Quality Structured LinkedIn Campaign

Strategy and consistency play an incredible role in getting you out to market. Our team structures the campaign to fit into the whole business marketing approach.

Brand Awareness

There are so many businesses with the same services or products you offer but the brand can only be the one. We help you be recognised among others by building your brand awareness.

Build Network

Having lots of LinkedIn connections does not always mean having the right connections. We help our clients build industry-focussed network that will lead to the increase of revenue.

Generate Quality Opportunities

Quantity is not quality and great leaders respecting their time understand it very well. Our aim is to generate quality opportunities for our clients.

What does the process look like?

At Malyk Solutions, we believe that all the greatest things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word. Please check how unique and clear the process will look for you. As for the work - leave it to our team of professionals.

Our Linkedin Marketing Journey

LinkedIn Marketing FAQ

These are the most frequently asked questions about the linkedIn marketing services.

Powerful Linkedin Marketing
How to use LinkedIn to sell
  1. Create an attractive profile.
  2. Participate and create discussion groups.
  3. Select the right keywords.
  4. Use other resources such as gated content (blocked or hidden content)
  5. Provide answers as soon as possible.
  6. Use the InMail functionality.
  7. Make regular posts.
  • Create a company page: do not do it from a personal profile. Use the tools offered by LinkedIn for companies and take advantage of its full potential.
  • Make a full profile . Put all the information. The gaps do not make a good impression.
  • Write texts aimed at your audience and optimize SEO to appear in search engines. Do not lie and do not exaggerate , because the reputation of your company may end up in question. Take care of both the content and the spelling as well as the tone of the message.
  • Pamper the cover of your page: it is your cover letter. The images must be of quality . The photos are the first thing that is seen, before the text. Bad photos give a feeling of neglect.
  • Create a custom URL: it will be easier to remember and find you.
  • Facilitate contact with your company. If it is difficult to locate you, an interesting opportunity can be truncated.
  • Include, without fail, a link to your LinkedIn page on your company website .
  • Access information on potential candidates for employment.
  • Facilitate the generation of a network of professional contacts.
  • Permitir encontrar nuevos clientes y providers.
  • Ayudar a distributer contenidos corporatives.
A social media strategy on LinkedIn must be planned with careful segmentation of the target audience. Shared own content and contributions in debates are, along with advertising campaigns, great tools to generate authority and highlight your brand.
The way LinkedIn for Business works is very similar to other social networks, as it is also possible to share content, images, video and text through a feed where the brand's potential clients and partners are connected.
The keys to getting started are as simple as following these steps to plan a campaign.
  1. Set achievable goals.
  2. Target audience segmentation.
  3. Determine which social network you are going to set up ads on.
  4. Plan the budget.
  5. Work on creativity.
  6. Analyze the results.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.