

Virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant ( VA ) is a professional who provides assistance and remote support to companies, businesses, entrepreneurs, and clients in general, to guarantee the operability of their economic activity through management that implies organization and direction of the processes, added to the control and customer service. You can trade from anywhere.

Customer Service
Office Efficiency

Data Entry

Data Entry Specialist provides incredible support to all departments within an organization. Some companies need more data entry services, and some less. Malyk Solutions offers a flexible engagement solution based on your needs where you can add or reduce the hours. Data entry services are not only limited to entering information into the right place. Our team is focused and trained on all parts of the data entry process. We evaluate the information, validate it, enter it into the proper document or system, and update it accordingly. It’s more convenient and cost-saving engaging a third-party company to handle this type of work, so your team can focus on core objectives.

Validating Data
Updating Data
Entering Information


Research is a type of work that is very time-consuming and requires a specialist to be very detail-oriented and persistent. Not every company would afford an entire recruiting process for such a position. The time proves that it’s much easier to engage a 3rd party company where you will receive wider access to data and experts with years of experience without spending time, money, and effort on hiring an internal specialist. We aim to save you time and money and ensure you receive the best-researched information required for your business needs.

Making Comparison
Reducing Time

Social Media Management

Building a good online reputation in your Social Networks is a key factor in increasing the sales of your business. If you are looking for a social management specialist, we at Malyk Solutions help you take advantage of the full potential of social media with strategic management of your brand profiles, defining an appropriate action, and evaluating the results with key performance indicators. Our team takes care of managing your brand's social networks in a personalized, effective, and practical way for you. We adapt to your target audience and create a tailored strategy focused on results. It’s essential to create a community around your brand. We offer you the best possible content, always adapting to your brand voice and identity.

Managing Accounts
Updating Profiles
Engaging with Audience
Creating Content

Administrative Outsourcing


Are you looking for ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs in your business? Outsourcing administrative services is a great option to consider. At Malyk Solutions, we specialize in providing businesses with administrative support that allows them to focus on their core objectives.

What is Administration?

Administration is the management and organization of resources in a business, including the management of personnel, processes, and materials. Business administrative support is the process of providing administrative services in order to support the day-to-day operations of a business. It can include tasks such as payroll, bookkeeping, billing, customer service, scheduling, etc.

Benefits of Outsourcing Administrative Services

Outsourcing administrative services can provide businesses with several benefits. By outsourcing administrative tasks and functions, businesses can save money, reduce overhead, and free up valuable time and resources that can be used to focus on core competencies. Additionally, businesses can benefit from the expertise, experience, and resources of an outside provider.

How to Handle Administrative Tasks

Business owners should consider outsourcing their administrative tasks and functions to a third-party provider. This will allow them to delegate their administrative responsibilities without having to recruit, hire, and manage administrative employees. Outsourcing administrative activities can also help businesses streamline their administrative process.

Virtual Administrative Staff

Businesses can also benefit from hiring virtual administrative staff. This type of staff provides the same services as an in-house administrative team but is usually less expensive and more flexible. Virtual administrative specialists can provide assistance with a variety of tasks.

At Malyk Solutions, we provide businesses with comprehensive administrative services and support. We understand the importance of streamlining administrative processes and can help you get the most out of your outsourcing efforts. Contact us today to learn how we can help you delegate to outsourcing administrative services and reap the numerous benefits of administrative outsourcing.


We have defined administration in general terms as the process that consists of planning, organizing, directing and controlling human, technical and financial resources aimed at achieving organizational objectives.
As a business administrator you can become an ethical, supportive, flexible, fair and innovative leader. Thanks to the development of managerial skills, you will forge proposals aimed at solving problems in productive and economic fields that will strengthen business ecosystems.
At Malyk Solutions we perform a large number of administrative functions, among these are:
  1. Billing / customers.
  2. Purchases and suppliers.
  3. Accounting.
  4. Online secretary.
  5. Reports and documents.
  6. Website and social networks.
Administrative support, carrying out tasks such as sending emails, photocopying, filing, answering the phone, recording messages and managing stationery and other materials. They also usually make substitutions at reception or at the telephone switchboard.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.