Malyk Solutions in your city

Baltimore Digital Marketing Services

1 Website development

Website development

Website development agency Malyk Solutions focuses on the business goals and expectations of your customers. We will tell you which site will solve your problem and help with the promotion strategy. We work on models: fix price, time&material, outstaffing, retainer.

2 Digital design and creativity

Digital design and creativity

The question of how to distinguish your products and services against the backdrop of a wide variety of marketing moves and constantly updated opportunities in a strong marketplace is of concern to many companies now. Our advertising design studio was created with the aim of comprehensive professional business support.

3 SEO optimization

SEO optimization

We bring the site to the top search engines for key user queries, increase targeted traffic, the number of calls and requests through the implementation of a comprehensive promotion strategy.

4 Performance marketing

Performance marketing

Comprehensive expertise in all areas of performance marketing: contextual, targeted advertising, programmatic buying, mobile, seo, cpa. Exclusive working conditions with the largest suppliers. Use of the highest quality developments for competitor analysis, planning, automation.

5 Social Media Marketing


A creative approach combined with knowledge and ability to apply a wide range of modern digital marketing tools. Accompanied by the perseverance of our colleagues, help to brilliantly promote projects in the media space and social networks, exceeding all customer expectations.

6 Comprehensive digital services

Comprehensive digital services

Integrated provision of digital services allows you to achieve significantly greater results. Before launching a new project, we conduct marketing research and analyze all search queries, their competitiveness and frequency of queries.

How we work?

We plan your ideas

We will make a work plan based on your ideas and what you expect for your website, so that our work adapts to your needs. You only have to tell us what you need and we will make a list of these ideas to create the ideal site.

Effective web structure

No web page design will be effective if its architecture is not appropriate. We make sure to create a fast, responsive and attractive site so that your customers have the best first impression of your brand.

Unique and personalized designs

We put 100% of our efforts at the service of your project, making sure to respond to what you expect in the most efficient way possible. That is why our web design service in Baltimore is capable of creating a spectacular and unique page for each client.

Constant innovation

Innovation is one of the essential virtues for a good design, that is why we will be close to you, evaluating the performance of the site that we have put online and optimizing it with new features and tools that are emerging in the digital field.

Web design in Baltimore

Corporate website design

Our web design agency in Baltimore is ready to help you get the best corporate website.

Online Store Design

Don't waste time and money, leave the web design of your online store in our hands.

Website redesign

If you already have a website but it seems to you that it is not performing at its best, go to Malyk Solutions.

Blog design

Do not forget the importance of having a blog to attract and retain customers with a good blog design.

Why choose us


If you want a guarantee of quality, nothing like working with specialists with extensive experience in web design and digital marketing.


Our philosophy is based on not limiting the resources we use for each project, which is why you will find that the quality of our service is unique.


A good professional team of designers has experience and training, and that is what we offer at Malyk Solutions.


We have developed specific strategies and methods so that our web design service in Baltimore has no comparison in the sector.


Trying to save money by doing tasks that are for professionals is a waste of time and money. With our web design service in Baltimore you are investing in quality, professionalism and guarantee of results, which in the end will be reflected in profits.
We have created web design strategies in Baltimore that you will not find in any other agency. It is our experience in the medium that has allowed us to do this and it is what allows us to guarantee each user a positive profit margin and sustainable growth.
Our objective is not to compete with a cheap price, but to guarantee an inexhaustible catalog of resources and a work team that is 100% focused on your web design project in Baltimore, which makes us an exclusive agency for those who only want to pay for the best.
Without a website, you will be missing out on a huge audience of potential customers, but with a poorly designed website you are doing something worse: projecting a bad image. Therefore, if you want a good page, you must hire our web design agency in Baltimore.
Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.