Malyk Solutions has a unique well-developed system to address the most demanding areas for any business. Administration, Web Development and Marketing stand along side to build company brand, increase the visibility and create the strategy and processes to execute it. Our highly-trained team of professionals works together to ensure our clients are meeting their expectations in the best way possible. We are passionate about engaging with our clients, focusing on their needs, becoming part of their team and collaborating towards the same goal.


Marta Malyk
Marta Malyk

Marta Malyk

Founder and CEO

Marta Malyk

Marta is a result-oriented and self-motivated person. She loves bringing innovative ideas to improve the processes and make things more efficient. Marta began her career while she was a student. She gained her first experience in IT company as a Customer Support Representative. Upon graduation from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv she helped set up entities for foreign companies where she held leading positions and ran the whole branches. Being involved in different aspects of business and successfully leading the teams, in 2016 Marta and her husband decided to combine their skills and start their own Outsourcing company IEA, LLC, specialising in Administration and Web Development. Marta saw the need and great demand of adding Marketing solutions as the COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on all businesses and forced some to switch online. And in 2022 focusing on the about 3 solutions IEA,LLC was rebranded to Malyk Solutions. By involving Malyk Solutions and having these 3 services structured properly, Marta believes you can achieve more than 75% of your goal while decreasing your cost to 50%.

Rostyslav Malyk
Rostyslav Malyk

Rostyslav Malyk

Partner and Web Developer

Rostyslav Malyk

Rostyslav made a huge impact on the foundation of the company. His skills and expertise in Web Development and SEO connect all the components for Malyk Solutions and our clients. Rostyslav is passionate about the process of creating and maintaining websites. His focus is on keeping up to date with the industry. Rostyslav enjoys the challenges of the position and lives finding solutions and seeing our clients’ satisfaction and success.

Your company may not be in the digital marketing business, but eventually, a marketing company will be in your business.